Pros/Cons Game

Timing: 1 hour Ingredients: • Internet access Players (5..8 recommended): • Business Manager / Business Owner • Employees / Team members Directions: We have collaborated with the Gamestorming team, to bring you the Pros/Cons Game, which is based on Benjamin Franklin’s Pros/Cons List. The goal of this game is to separate the positive and negative aspects of a choice to help you organize your thoughts and…

Impact & Effort Matrix

This version of the famous impact-effort technique has been popularized by XPLANE. Aiming to find the most efficient strategy to reach your goal, Impact & Effort Matrix maps possible actions against two factors: the potential impact and the effort required to implement. By organizing your ideas, you can see which ones will lead to the greatest payoffs and lowest costs before you get stuck on a twisted road of wasted time.

Cover StoryCover StoryCover StoryПередовица

This is a creative activity that allows people to dream of the company’s potential success. Any patterns that arise among people’s visions reveal shared hopes and may uncover true possibilities. Use this game to motivate employees to expand their goals for the company.Цель игры “Передовица” от The Grove в том, чтобы отбросить все ограничения и представить, где окажется ваша компания, если ничто не будет её сдерживать. Думая крупными масштабами и творчески подходя к вопросу, участники представляют себе потенциал компании.

Online Plus/Delta Game

This productive game turns negative comments into valuable information, and allows you to learn from the past in order to understand what can be improved for the future. Whether concluding a conference or analyzing the aspects of a product, this strategy is effective for any business, event, or service.