Ball Flow Game

Timing: 1 hour Overview: The Ball Flow Game is a variation of the Ball Point Game, where the aim is for a team to process 20 balls as quickly as possible (as opposed to complete as many in 2 minutes), with the following rules: Participants play as a whole team (everyone must touch each ball) Balls must have air time between people No passing to a…

Means First, Then StatesLes moyens d’abord, les résultats après

This exercise introduces and demonstrates the “Means First, Then States Syndrome” and the negative impact it could have on software projects’ execution and/or outcomes. It also drives a meaningful discussion on what success is to software projects and what factors could lead to it (including an evaluation of the values and principles of the agile manifesto). It further emphasizes the importance of stakeholder theory and…

Three Projects, Three Experiments

Context: This game is similar to multi-tasking game, and can be used to teach concepts like   focusing on people utilization (instead of completing projects early), continuous partial attention,  effect of lack of face to face communication, limiting Work-in-progress, etc. Acknowledgements: This is a variation of how Peter Saddington did his multi-tasking game at Agile 2013 What you need: flip charts (to note down times), stop watch, 6-8…